An odd contradiction, if the layman were correct in his unconscious assumption that an artist begins with reality and, ends with art; the converse is true—to the degree that this dichotomy has any truth—the artist begins with art, and through it arrives at reality.
– Robert Motherwell, The Writings of Robert Motherwell, ed. Dore Ashton, c.2007, University of California Press
Nancy Charak, a native Chicagoan, now makes drawings and paintings in Tucson. Her work is represented in the west by Space Gallery–Denver, in the Midwest at The Nevica Project–Chicago and Cerbera Gallery–Kansas City. Please come on by.
Rounder Studio’s workspace is located in the East Hive, 326 S. Wilmot Road, #200A, (off 14th St.), Tucson, Arizona, by appointment call 312/451-4268.
New and Recent Work
Gallery Representation
Space Gallery, Denver
The Nevica Project, Chicago
Cerbera Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri
Nancy’s work can also be found on these select websites:
In the News

Exhibition and Commission Inquiries Welcome
Nancy Charak is always happy to exhibit her work and visits to her studio are available by appointment.
Exhibition and commission inquiries are welcome.
Or, call Nancy at 312/451-4268 to schedule a studio visit.